Chairman Desk

Chairman's Desk

Congratulations for your decision of choosing VIDYA BHARTI PUBLIC SCHOOL for your ward. The aim of the school is to provide an all-round education of intellectual promise for your wards. Every effort is made to ensure that there is equality of opportunity to enter and do well in the school.
What follows will, I hope, encourage you to motivate and invite others also to see the school for themselves. You will find lively atmosphere for your wards for achieving their potential, working hard in a friendly, stimulating environment. You will find teachers enjoying their work, taking a personal interest in each child they teach, eager for them to do their best. You will see at first hand the fine facilities and opportunities for learning and discover, I believe, that the reputation that VIDYA BHARTI PUBLIC SCHOOL will earn as an excellent school will be well-deserved. I am always happy to show parents around and I hope that you will also be on your decision of selecting our expertise in school education.

So let us together work to give these children a bright and successful future.